The Wiltshire Substance Misuse Service Impact
Turning Point Trowbridge
grief encounter
A charity offering a range of support to help bereaved children
The Compassionate Friends
Offers support and help to bereaved parents, siblings & grandparents
Government Website
Benefits and financial support when someone dies
Domestic Abuse
Fear Free (formerly Splitz)
An organisation providing help & support relating to domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Any issue (including reporting and help) relating to domestic abuse or sexual violence will be handled by the multidisciplinary single entity under ‘Phoenix Project’. This service will be led by Fear Free Support Services in Wiltshire.
Homelessness & Housing
Rough Sleepers (provision from December 2018)
The Haven, 38-40 Langford Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8NU (7 Beds)
Salisbury Trust for the Homeless
help for single adults who would otherwise have nowhere to live
Employment, Training & Benefits
Building Bridges
For people to develop their skills, access education or move towards work. We work with participants on a one to one basis and in partnership. Participants will be currently unemployed, not in education, have a legal right to work UK, and live in Wiltshire.
Payment Exception Service (formerly "Simple Payment")
For people with no permanent address or bank account
Crisis Help
Local Welfare Provision Scheme (Wiltshire Council): energy top-up, esential items, rent deposits, etc
Children and Parents - Help & Benefits, Social Services
Multi Agency Sageguarding Hub
(MASH Team)
Mental Health
Anxiety UK
A national charity offering help to those with anxiety disorders
Counselling at Cornerstone
Professional help, especially for those on low income
Family Counselling Trust
Specifically for children, young people aged 14-18 and their families.
Mental health services within the NHS Primary Care
Local services in Wiltshire. This includes 1 to 1 appointments through the GP practice, courses and many resources.
Rethink Mental Illness
A national charity offering practical mental health information and support
Wiltshire Mind
A place where anyone with mental health problems can find support and friendship. Trowbridge, Melksham, Devizes
Human Givens psychotherapy counselling
Find out more and find counsellor (cost for counselling sessions)
Help for the military and ex-military community
Warminster Garrison Welfare Team
Debt Relief and individual Grants
Christians Against Poverty
Centre for Sustainable Energy
Warm and Safe Wiltshire – Help on keeping safe and warm, including energy advice
Dorothy House Hospice Care
An emergency contact available to help you talk things through
Victim Support
Free & confidential help to victims, witnesses, families, & those affected
The Avenue Surgery
Warminster Town Council
Warminster College
Wiltshire Council
Citizens Advice
Age UK
Alzeimers Society
Including find a care home for dementia sufferers
Your Care Support
Find the information you need about health & social care in Wiltshire